Little Gray Dress!


Little Gray Dress

Snakes slither up my stilettos with eyes of emerald.

“The higher her heels, The taller she feels” they say.

As your threads hug my curves,

I feel untouchable,


My utmost beautiful.

Ruby red fills my lips and,

My head full of curls to hold my crown.

I stand admirable on this pedestal we call life.

I am “Queenin” yet again.

Thank you Little Gray Dress. Registered & Protected  UKAV-QSYW-COPA-7HEY

Hello HoneyBees,

You ever buy an item of clothing and whenever you wear it you feel your ABSOLUTE BEST??  Well that was me today. I bought this dress and absolutely fell in love with it! It’s amazing how one piece of clothing along with the love you already have for yourself, can give you all the confidence in the world.

I know I’m not the only one who has these moments so this time I’ve decided to share this moment and add a little twist of my very own as well. Instead of just blogging about the fit or doing a boring yet appealing to the eye “Wordless Wednesday”, I added a poem. I hope you all enjoy!

Feel free to comment! Share your thoughts, likes, dislikes and/or what you would have done differently. Until next time HoneyBees.

~ Sincerely,


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